Friday, September 26, 2008

Web Seminar 9/25/08

We did not have physical science class today. Instead we were required to watch a web seminar put on by NSTA. I was not that excited about the web seminar, because I did not know anything about astronomy, but it actually ended up being interesting and very beneficial. I was new to elluminate, but it is actually really cool how you can talk to people from all over the country. Learning how to use elluminate was the most beneficial part of the web seminar, for me, because I needed to learn how to use it for my Basic Skills in Technology (TET200) course. Some of the things I learned from the web seminar included:
-The most common element found in stars is Hydrogen.
-A star is born in the Orion Nebula.
-Stars die by explosion, producing black holes.
-I also got good ideas on how to teach my future students about astronomy!
I really liked Robert; he was very helpful in teaching us how to navigate through elluminate. I also thought it was cool how he could poll the audience and then put all the results together into a chart.
Overall, I enjoyed the astronomy seminar more than I thought I would. I have one more science class to take for my major, and it just might be astronomy!

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